Did you know the majority of breaches could have been prevented? You may think your IT firm has everything covered but small details are often overlooked putting your business in jeopardy.

Let’s first determine how your current IT firm stacks up by taking the quiz above and book a discovery meeting with our technology consultant to discuss your IT support needs…

An exceptional IT company…

☑️ Provides a full service program that ALL works together for your company.

☑️ Answers their phones live.

☑️ Has a written, guaranteed response time for your issues.

☑️ Takes time to explain what they’re doing and answers your questions in “non-geek speak” terms that you can understand.

☑️ Offers new ways to improve your network’s performance on a consistent basis.

☑️ Has adequate errors and omissions insurance as well as workers compensation insurance to protect you when technicians are doing work at your office.

☑️ Insists on remotely monitoring your network 24/7/365 to prevent costly downtime.

☑️ Performs routine technology business reviews.

☑️ Has standard procedures in place for them to provide you with written, network documentation.

☑️ Insists on backing up your network BEFORE performing any type of project or upgrade.

☑️ Monitors an offsite as well as an onsite backup.

☑️ Has a plan for how your data could be restored FAST if you were to experience a major disaster.

☑️ Require technicians to participate in ongoing training.

☑️ Employs technicians that arrive on time and dress professionally.

☑️ Knows your unique line of business applications.

☑️ Provides you and your entire staff with ongoing cybersecurity training.

If your current IT firm isn’t doing all of the above, then you need a network assessment ASAP. This is very concerning, but your IT provider could be putting your business in jeopardy. Yes, you may think your IT firm has everything covered but small details are often overlooked which is why the majority of breaches could’ve been prevented.

With all of that being said, we have a special offer for you – get a {FREE} discovery meeting with network assessment!