You’ve Been Hacked! What Do You Do Now?
No matter how great your security prevention is, there’s always a chance (in most cases – a much smaller chance) that you may get hacked. On top of proactive security measures, you’ll want to have a plan in place so you’ll know how to minimize damage.
Here’s What You Do:
- Contact your IT department immediately. Reporting it immediately allows you to determine the extent of the damage including what apps, files and machines were compromised. The sooner you can get to it, the better chance you have at preventing much larger problems.
- Conduct a full scan of your network. We’ll go to work fast to try and contain the attack.
- Based on the discovery, you’ll more than likely need to contact your local FBI office or your attorney. If you had patient health information compromised, you will need to contact your attorney immediately to see how you can remedy the situation by notifying individuals about the breach.