Are You Worried About Keeping Your Data Safe In the Cloud?

You’re probably a little concerned about storing your files in the cloud. And that is completely understandable. Ultimately, the company hosting your data is responsible for keeping hackers at bay. However, most cloud breaches are caused by user error.

Here’s What You Can Do to Improve Cloud Security:

  1. Use a strong password with at least eight characters containing both uppercase and lowercase letters. Don’t use passwords like “password” or “password123.” Hackers can easily crack passwords like these.
  2. Secure your device. You’ll need a strong firewall, spam-filtering and antivirus. Call the professionals to help you with this. Also, don’t use the same device to check your Facebook page or Gmail account.
  3. Backup your data to a secure location. Yes, the cloud does backup your data, but in the event your data is corrupted, you’ll want to have a local copy.

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