Natalie Weston
Phone: 251-460-6197 Email:
Rory Beaco
Phone: 251-414-8181 Email:
With the 24 hour sentinel monitoring, I can sit back and wait on Business Information Solutions to tell me if something needs to be upgraded or if a backup fails. I’m no longer constantly checking for errors and problems on our network and servers.
BIS has made it where I’m not the one having to go around checking each machine to make sure it meets HIPAA laws. That’s what I have BIS for!
Staff morale has gone up because I receive less complaints about our network.
We’ve saved 40-50 hours per month on inside labor since we no longer have to figure out the problem and learn how to fix it.
I don’t know where we would be if Business Information Solutions was not monitoring our system or us. Since going with them, we’ve had NO CRASHES.
With the IT services that Business Information Solutions provides, we no longer have to worry about being ‘down’ for hours or days with issues. Calls and work orders are responded to very quickly and efficiently.
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