Has My Social Media Account Been Hacked or Cloned?
Every day, we see posts on Facebook from friends saying they’ve been “hacked” and to not accept friend requests from them. While it’s still a form of social engineering, your account hasn’t technically been “hacked.” Instead, it’s been cloned. Hacking is where a cyber criminal obtains your login credentials and accesses your account while social […]
Our Top 8 Social Media Safety Tips
It’s no secret that social media has taken the world by storm. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are now household names that are used every day by billions of people across the globe for everything from entertainment to business networking to finding funny cat videos. Unfortunately, social media sites aren’t always used for […]
3 Ways Hackers Use Social Media
Over the past few years, hackers have found ways to use social media for fraud. Does this mean you should stop using social media for personal and business purposes? Absolutely not. The key is to be smart about your online practices. Cybersecurity is important across all parts of your daily life – from banking to personal email and social media.
Are Your Employees Wasting 3 Hours of Productivity?
Time is Money In the age of the Internet, instant information, social media, smart phones, tablets and much more, the business world has seen great leaps and strides in the ability to reach an audience, clients and customers, but at what cost? Well, it turns out that cost may come in the form of productivity […]
Not Monitoring Internet Usage Could Be Risky Business
A Big Part of Your Business Can Cause Big Problems The internet and email are tools we use in business so fluently we can’t imagine the world without them. However, more and more businesses are discovering that these tools are being used by employees for activities that aren’t business related. Employers are quickly discovering that […]
You Won’t “LIKE” What Social Media Can Do To Your Business Security and Productivity
More Posting and Less Productivity Employees using company computers to access their favorite news website, social media page or check the score of their fantasy football team is nothing new. The problem is these sites and apps are getting more addicting every day, and employee productivity is dropping at an alarming rate. Even worse, more […]