12 Tips For Your Data Security Plan
Did you know that 90% of the 5,500 small, medium and large companies surveyed in 2015 experienced at least one security incident? Having a data security plan in place is of utmost importance to every business. With all the personal and corporate data provided by clients, customers, and employees, it is of crucial importance that […]
The Most Important Concerns for Small Business Network Security
Sure, everyone hates getting spam, but usually, it’s mostly annoying more than anything else. Just don’t open any attachments. We’ve all heard that before. Those sneaky little phishing emails trick the user into thinking they’re dealing with a legitimate business acquaintance. They’re notorious for installing viruses and malicious programs onto your computer and your network. […]
The Anatomy of a Crypto–Ransomware Attack And How to Prevent Them
Almost every day there is a big corporation that is getting hit by one of the variance of the Crypto – Ransomware malware. For every big case that makes the news there are thousands of others that are being affected. These attacks are not going away anytime soon.
Patch Tuesday
Welcome to this February Patch Tuesday Bulletin. This month brings 6 critical and 7 important severity patches. While there are 7 potential arbitrary code execution flaws, it appears that none of them are being attacked in the wild. Start the month with MS16-009 and MS16-022. These 2 patches deliver updates for Internet Explorer and Adobe […]
Protect Yourself and Your Business Against Identity Theft
Identity theft can happen to anyone, at any time. It is a common crime in today’s hyper-technology world. Hackers are coming up with new ways to steal your information at a rapid pace. You could be the average Joe on the street who accidentally gives your credit card information to a cloned PayPal, or someone […]