10 Signs Your Internal IT Department Needs Help

10 Signs Your Internal IT Department Needs Help

As organizations grow and technology evolves, maintaining a robust and efficient IT infrastructure becomes increasingly complex. Even the most capable internal IT departments can find themselves overwhelmed by the demands of modern business environments. Co-managed IT support offers a collaborative solution that combines the strengths of your in-house team with the expertise of external IT […]

How to Protect Your Company’s Reputation After a Data Breach

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In today’s world, a data breach is inevitable even with all of the advanced security strategies in place. While you shouldn’t stop trying to proactively protect your business, you need an incident response plan in place and ready to implement. Your reputation may take a hit at first, but there are things businesses can do […]

Has My Social Media Account Been Hacked or Cloned?

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Every day, we see posts on Facebook from friends saying they’ve been “hacked” and to not accept friend requests from them. While it’s still a form of social engineering, your account hasn’t technically been “hacked.” Instead, it’s been cloned.  Hacking is where a cyber criminal obtains your login credentials and accesses your account while social […]

6 Deadly Mistakes You’re Making with Your Remote Employees

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During the pandemic, 70% of full-time employees worked from home. Once it was over, 92% of workers still expected to work from home at least once per week while 80% expected to telecommute 3 days. In fact, 16% of organizations are now fully remote. While many employees may be back in the office, there’s always […]

5 Easy Ways to Secure Your Data

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Many Americans are concerned about the Russia-Ukraine war for a number of reasons; and one of those reasons is cyber attacks. As the war rages on and continues to escalate, there has been a documented increase in breaches. This is a very real threat to businesses and individuals alike in the United States.  So, what […]

New Advanced Email Security Solution Protects Against Phishing Attacks and Email Impersonation 

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Robertsdale, AL (April 8, 2022) – Business Information Solutions, Inc. (BIS), the leading technology and cybersecurity firm on the Gulf Coast, announces a new, advanced email security platform to combat phishing attacks and email impersonation.   In 2020, 75% of organizations experienced a phishing attack. These numbers continue to rise as hackers find creative ways to infiltrate […]

5 Ways to Prevent Your Cyber Liability Claim from Being Denied

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As a business owner you need to have the mindset that it’s no longer “if” you get hacked but “when.” As the number of data breaches continues to increase, companies are turning to cyber liability insurance for more protection. Unfortunately, due to the number of cyber attacks and claims, cyber insurance firms are limiting payouts […]

The 6 Layers of Email Defense

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For today’s Tuesday Tech Tip, I want to talk about the six layers of email defense that every business needs to have in place.