5 Easy Ways to Secure Your Data

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Many Americans are concerned about the Russia-Ukraine war for a number of reasons; and one of those reasons is cyber attacks. As the war rages on and continues to escalate, there has been a documented increase in breaches. This is a very real threat to businesses and individuals alike in the United States.  So, what […]

5 Ways to Prevent Your Cyber Liability Claim from Being Denied

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As a business owner you need to have the mindset that it’s no longer “if” you get hacked but “when.” As the number of data breaches continues to increase, companies are turning to cyber liability insurance for more protection. Unfortunately, due to the number of cyber attacks and claims, cyber insurance firms are limiting payouts […]

What Is Endpoint Detection and Why Should You Demand It from Your IT Firm

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Thanks in part to the pandemic, the number of remote workers has significantly increased. This rapid growth caused many organizations to forgo proper security measures in lieu of productivity, even going as far as letting employees use their personal devices for work.  Instead of exploiting network vulnerabilities, hackers saw more success in targeting unsuspecting and […]

How Security Awareness Training Can Greatly Reduce Security Breaches [VIDEO]

Did you know that 95% of breaches involve employee error? Your employees are both your greatest asset and biggest downfall. And right now, hackers are becoming more sophisticated and finding new ways to infiltrate your network through unsuspecting employees. Some of their latest schemes include fake emails and hacked websites. Your staff needs to be […]

One Surefire Way to Bounce Back from Ransomware [VIDEO]

Whether it’s ransomware or a flood, unexpected catastrophes happen. Instead of being reactive to an accident, prepare yourself and business for when it happens. The only way to ensure that your business can be back up and running fast is with a carefully constructed backup and disaster recovery plan. In this video, Phillip Long breaks […]

How a Lost Device Could Cost You Thousands [VIDEO]

Do your employees access company data on mobile devices? According to Sprint Business, 25% of lost or stolen devices end up in a security breach. Even worse, only 43% of staff report that their device is missing on the day it goes missing. That’s more than enough time for someone to hack the device and […]

How Asset Management Can Save You $12,000 Per Year [VIDEO]

Asset management is often overlooked by businesses because they don’t feel it’s important. People will use desktops and laptops until the very end, no matter the age of the equipment. While the computer itself doesn’t get slower, the demands we put on it get higher leading to the slowness we all detest. The age of […]

Many People Don’t Know This About Patch Management…[VIDEO]

When it comes to patch management, many people think they’ve got it covered and that their network is safe. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Windows doesn’t do a great job of updating patches and lots of things get missed. Plus, employees push off updating their computer because of the time it takes to do […]

The Basics of Desktop Security Protection [VIDEO]

Phillip Long, local security expert and CEO of , discusses the basics of desktop security protection in his fifth installment of the Defense-in-Depth video series. As you’ll find in the video, there’s more to anti-virus and desktop security than blocking viruses as they aren’t the only threat to your business. Unfortunately, employees are one of the […]

Security Expert Talks On-Premise Firewall

Local security expert, Phillip Long, advises business owners on a defense-in-depth, security strategy in latest tech video about on-premise firewalls. Listen to Phillip discuss best practices with your firewall. Watch now! About the Speaker, Phillip Long Phillip Long is a Certified Information Security Systems Professional (CISSP) and author of Everything You Must Know About Choosing […]