In recent months, hacker group Maze began to perform cyberattacks they call a “full dump” on large industries across the U.S., with The City of Pensacola being one. Alongside them, the medical and cable industry have also reported attacks. Recently, they have extended their cyberattacks to multiple law firms across the country.
What is a “Full Dump”?
They are classifying this cybersecurity attack as a “full dump”, meaning they steal it, encrypt it and then charge you ransom for it. The typical ransom sought from a law firm is in the range of $1-2 million.
“We more commonly see hackers use crypto or ransomware on a site. Now, what they are doing is much worse.”, said Phillip Long. “They are now saying we have stolen your data and now we’ve encrypted it and if you don’t pay us we’re going to release the data, stating we stole it from you, which will tarnish the companies reputation.”
A Texas law firm, Baker Wotring, was the victim of a “full dump” with extremely sensitive information becoming public. Within the data released were personal injury cases, fee agreements and HIPPA consent forms.
How Can You Avoid It?
When asked how to avoid this situation, Phillip states, “A defensive in-depth strategy which includes a proper firewall, a proactive threat management suite, an image-based back up, cyber liability insurance and public relations coaching certainly need to be in place.”
Taking the proper steps to avoid becoming a victim of a “full dump” is critical. BIS is happy to answer any of your questions and make sure your company is on the right track in preparing for a cyber-attack. Contact us today.
Phillip Long – CISSP, CEO of , along with his team of marketing and information technology experts, will walk you through an overview of what your business should be doing to protect your data and plan your digital marketing strategies.
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