The Importance of a Proactive, NOT Reactive Approach
With the major role information technology plays in the way business is conducted in today’s world, it’s crucial that every business owner, both large and small, be able to see the big picture of protecting client and company data from disaster. Data backup disaster comes in many forms, from hackers to employee sabotage, to viruses and natural disaster, it’s critical to your business operation that you understand the scenarios and solutions to protect your business and keep things running smoothly.
Susceptible to Sabotage
Data backup is crucial when it comes to the human impact of business security. A smart and informed business owner knows the importance of protecting your company and your clients from being hindered by hackers, viruses and even employee sabotage. This comes in the form of physical backup drives, such as personal computers, USB drives and in house servers as your primary backup solutions. While these are an acceptable “extra” backup, they should never be considered as your primary backup solution. Hackers and viruses can corrupt and compromise in-house servers, personal computers and hard drives, leaving you completely helpless to not only protect your data, but also quickly recover form a loss to ensure business continues as usual. There is also the threat of a disgruntled or disorganized employee stealing, losing or sabotaging these physical storage devices. The answer to this threat is an offsite data storage device, such as high security IT servers and cloud solutions. These off-site storage options not only provide superior security and protection, but they also allow for quick access to your data, documents, programs, software and applications to allow you to continue to operate in the event of a data attack.
Fires, Storms and Burglary..Oh My…
The other threat to your in-house data backup solutions is the threat of natural disasters and burglary. While your USB drives, office computers and portable hard drives can be stole or destroyed in the event of burglary, fire or severe storms, off-site servers and cloud solutions allow you to continue work from home computers and other temporary locations while your home office recovers. These threats are often overlooked by business owners as the common mistake of, “this won’t happen to us” thought process leaves them in a reactive state, when a proactive approach could have avoided the entire disaster. Off-site servers and cloud solutions are the security blanket every smart business owner keeps in hand so that when disaster strikes, they won’t be left devastated.
Who Holds the Keys to the Castle
Designate specific roles in the company for individuals to monitor your data, documents, applications and software to ensure that all critical materials are continually backed up and saved for the event of a recovery. These specific roles also limit the number of individuals with access to the data to allow for you to control the threat of data tampering and sabotage. These individuals will also have a clear outline of where the data is stored and be able to organize a speedy recovery for all your employees to allow them to recover their necessary materials to ensure business is up and running as quickly as possible.
New Client Onboarding
Initial sale on boarding clients